Sean Nós dancing resuming from Wednesday November 7 from 8-9 pm at the Backyard, Moynehall Cavan.
Set dancing also resuming from Wednesday November 7 from 9pm at the Backyard, Moynehall Cavan.
For further details please contact Marian Crowe on 087 163 8588
Sean Nós dancing starting from Wednesday September 19 from 8-9 pm at the Backyard, Moynehall Cavan.
Set dancing starting from Wednesday September 19 from 9pm at the Backyard, Moynehallm Cavan.
For further details please contact Marian Crowe on 087 163 8588
Adult cheile dancing classes to start on September 19 from 8-9pm at the Scots Den in Cavan Town. For further details please contact Margaret Webber on 086 361 4898.
The Sean-Nós dancers help to launch the 100 days left to the 2012 Fleadh in Cavan Town
Dancing takes place at the “Backyard”, Moynehall, Cavan. This impressive venue is located on the Ballyjamesduff Road, Cavan Town just past the Renault garage.
Sean Nós Classes and Set Dancing classes are on Wednesday nights
Sean nos adults and children 8pm till 9p.m:
Set Dancing from 9.15pm. to 10.45pm
Contact: Marion 087 1638558
Also see the link to the Backyard website