Day 1 of Fleadh 2012 makes history with cultural fusion.

Day one of our Fleadh kicked off early with a visit from RTE Television filming our branch members playing in the Market Square.  Thanks to all members for attending.  The day ended even more significantly with a glimpse of the future,  musicians from North and South playing together and respecting each others tradition on the same stage.  The audience similarly represented a marked change in how we interact as a community with supporters of each tradition sitting down and applauding the performances.  It was touching to see the eager and interested faces of our younger branch members on stage keenly watching their counterparts from Fermanagh displaing skilled dancing from the Ulster Scotts tradition.  A huge thank you to the IFI who supported this endeavour, Martin Donohoe, Willie Drennan and the numerous others who pushed the boundaries to make this happen.  Naturally once again we thank our branch parents for bringing their children to the rehersals for this historic concert and taking this posative step as a family, a branch and as lovers of traditional music.  Visit our Gallery for pictures of the night.

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