Cavan Town CCE were delighed to have Cork singer Sean O Se persent at the launch of the Summer Seisiun programme in the Farnham Arms Hotel, Cavan on Wednesday night 4th July. The audience were treated to performances from All Ireland winners such as Comhaltas President Seamus Fay, Tierney brothers Gareth and Seamus, dancing from Webber School of Dancing and Marian Crowe’s students of Sean Nos. Recitations from James Reilly and an Irish poem from Readin McCabe were followed by Sean Ownes on flute and song. The night provide a varied programme which also included solo, duet and and group performances from our younger branch members many of whom are currently preparing for individual and group competitions in the Ulster Fleadh, Dungiven. The highlight of the night came from our guest of honour Sean O’Se who performed solo and with accompaniment from Martin Donohoe. Sean’s rousing performance of An Poc ar Buile – The Mad Billy Goat, a song with which he has become synonymous, had young and old clapping, foot tapping and singing along with the chorus. The night ended on a high with all perfomers joining in the seissiun together.
Our summer programme will continue each Tuesday at 8.00 p.m. in the County Museum in Ballyjamesduff and each Wednesday at 8.00 p.m. in the carvery area of the Farnham Arms Hotel, Cavan.
Visit our Gallery to see photos of the night.